FABOK, spol. s r. o.
TEL.: +420 777 314 621
Husovo nám. 10, 250 87 Mochov
Fax: +420 311 230 134
E-mail: mrnova@fabok.cz
TEL.: + 420 773 779 389
E-mail: agir@fabok.cz
Modern mobile dispensing system is mainly appointed for luxury hotel and restaurant interiors. Basic building elements constitutes refrigerated, warm and neutral islands with various number of GN containers.
The wooden box with impressive conception is a combination of massive noble wood and wooden veneer and with its colour shade is adapted to match the character of room interior.
Islands are above equipped with functional space and at the bottom section are four swiveling wheels, two of them equipped with brake. The hygienic cover - sneezeguard is made of flexural glass or as a combination of wood and straight PET glass with opportunity of lighting, thermo bridge or infrared heating. The hygienic cover can be fixed or with electrical mechanism. Collapsible shelves with highly resitant surface having appearance of a noble stone. At similar execution the islands can be connected with straight or angular boards.